Tasklist configuration

Table of contents
  1. Intro
  2. Tasklist sections
    1. task
    2. chance
      1. Simple integer chance
      2. Variable based chance
    3. replies
    4. timeout


The slave tasklist configuration are found in ./slaves/<slavename>/tasks/*.json. All json files in this folder are interpreted as tasklist-files. A file can contain one or more tasklists

  "tasklistName": [
      "task": "First task",
      "chance": 1
      "task": "Second task",
      "chance": 2
  "tasklistName2: [ ... ]

Tasklist sections

The simplest task has a task, the text of what to do and a chance. But they can be extended with timeout and replies

    "task": ..,
    "chance": ..,
    "timeout": ..,
    "replies": ..


The task string of a tasklist is a single string that represents the task. There are some optional things that will be parsed. If this string is empty, the task will be considered empty; Upon requesting permission/task, a “regular” task reply will be given, with the exception that it states there is no order. Timer, timeout or master-given tasks will not be sent at all.

  • [#] will be replaced with a random number up to and including #
    example [6] will be a number between 1 and 6
  • [a:b] will be replaced with a random number between a and b
    example [1:6] will be a number between 1 and 6
  • [xxx?] has a 50 percent chance of printing xxx
    example [Something fishy is going on?] has an equal chance of printing Something fishy is going on or ` `(nothing) at that place
  • [a|b|..|d] has an equal chance of printing each of the items.
    example [a|b|c] had an equal chance or printing either a, b or c

  • (#%[];#%[]) Sets a percentual chance for []. [] wil have been parsed as above.
    example (40%[6];60%[6:8]) has a 40% chance of a random number up to 6. And a 60% chance of a random number between 6 and 8


Simple integer chance

The chance can be a single integer (whole number). All chances will be accumulated, then divided by the total to get the percentual chance of a task occuring.

  chance: 5,

Variable based chance

A chance can also have multiple logical evaluations to vary the chance. First match is used.

  chance: { 
    "variable<5": 1,
    "(variable>7)&&(anotherVariable==false)": 2,
    "(timehour>=23)||(timehour<6)": 3,
    "true": 4

This task will have a relative chance of

  • 1: if variable is a number below 5 (not 5)
  • 2: if variable is a number above 7 (not 7) and anotherVariable is false
  • 3: if the hour (GMT) is above or equal to 23 or before 6
  • 4: if none of the above are matched

chance evaluations have access to all of a slaves state variables (could be initialised with a status. In addition there are 3 date related variables:

  • timeday Day of week
  • timehour Hour of day
  • timeminute Minute of hour


Replies present as buttons under a discord embed. In addition to all these buttons, a cancel-button is always presented. Should the slave press cancel, @master-role role is pinged.

  "replies": {
    "Button A": {
      "status": {
        "stateVariable": 5
      "reply": "Some text reply"
    "Button B": {
      "status": {
        "stateVariable": -10
      "tasklist": "taskList"
    "Button C": {
      "tasks": [
        { "chance": 1, "task": "test1" },
        { "chance": 1, "task": "test2" }

In this example, pressing

  • Button A will increase stateVariable in the slaves state with 5, and show a simple text reply Some text reply.
  • Button B will descrease the stateVariable and execute taskList for a new task.
  • Button C demonstrates using a tasks field (instead of taskList-reference) to define a reply-tasklist inline.


The configuration for a timeout is the same as a reply. Except that the timeout adds a time field to indicate the time to wait.
This could for example be used to enforce a state-change, or assigning a new task if no reply is given within time.

  "timeout": {
    "time": 3000,
    "status": {
      "someState": false

In this example, after 3000ms, someState will be set to false.

  "timeout": {
    "time": 45000,
    "tasklist": "someTaskList"

In this second example, if no reply (button) is received within 45000ms, a new/additional task is selected from someTaskList