
Table of contents
  1. /slave reload
  2. /slave permission for:for
  3. /slave status
    1. /slave status set:status
    2. /slave status task
  4. /slave chore TODO
  5. /slave camjoin (temporary)
  6. /slave wake (temporary)

/slave commands are only available to the discord user that’s in the configuration file as a slave.

/slave reload

Reload the slaves tasklist(s) and state.

/slave permission for:for

  • for: Thing to ask permission for.

Request permission for for.
This will reply based on the tasklist associated with this permission in your configuration. If for is not found in your configuration an ephemeral reply is shown with the valid permissions that can be asked for.

/slave status

/slave status set:status

  • status: Status to set.

Set your status to status. This will set your status, and execute possible state-initialisations based on your configuration. If status is not a valid status for you, an ephemeral reply is shown with the valid statuses.

/slave status task

Request a task for your current status. This will execute the associated tasklist (if any) from your configuration.

/slave chore TODO


/slave camjoin (temporary)

Execute the ‘oncam’ tasklist and announce to #bot-channel

/slave wake (temporary)

Execute the ‘wake’ tasklist