
Table of contents
  1. /master reload [slave: slave]
  2. /master state
    1. /master state get [slave: slave]
    2. /master state set id:id value:value [slave: slave]
    3. /master listtasks tasklist:tasklist [slave: slave]
    4. /master givetask tasklisttasklist [slave: slave]
  3. /master task TODO

/master commands are available to discord users having the ‘master role’ for one or more slaves. A master can only use the commands on the slave their role is configured for.

/master reload [slave: slave]

  • slave: User to reload*

Reload the slaves tasklist(s) and state.

/master state

/master state get [slave: slave]

  • slave: User to reload*

Get the current state (list) of the slave. May have multiple pages.

/master state set id:id value:value [slave: slave]

  • value: New value
  • id: state setting
  • slave: User to reload*

Set id to value. id must be an existing state (see /master state get). value is checked against the current type. Can only set a number to a number, a boolean to a boolean, or a string otherwise.

/master listtasks tasklist:tasklist [slave: slave]

  • tasklist: Name of the tasklist.
  • slave: User to reload*

Shows the master the current tasklist, with their chances based on the current state.

/master givetask tasklisttasklist [slave: slave]

  • tasklist: Name of the tasklist.
  • slave: User to reload*

Execute the tasklist: Hand the slave a task from tasklist based on it’s chances.

/master task TODO

Should have ‘give’ and ‘list’ here. Maybe ‘custom’ and/or ‘test’. Though test could be a separate command.


*slave Argument is required when more than 1 slave is known in the guild (server). It’s non-existant when there is only 1 slave.