Slave configuration

Table of contents
  1. config.json
  2. permissions.json
  3. statuses.json
  4. slave.json
  5. tasks/*.json

The slave configuration are found in ./slaves/<slavename>/*


Main slave configuration is in config.json

  "name": "EXAMPLE",
  "ids": {
    "guild": "Discord Guild ID",
    "discord": "Discord Slave UserID",
    "discordchannel": "Discord Slave Bot Interaction Channel",
    "masterrole": "Discord Role ID of master role",
    "telegram": "Telegram UserID"
  • name Name of the slave. Mostly internal, occasionaly used in communication
  • ids IDs for this slave
    • guild ID of the Discord Guild (server) this slave is in
    • discord Discord User ID for the slave
    • discordchannel ID of the main discord channel to use for communication
    • masterrole ID of the master-role in the guild this slave is in
    • telegram Optional Telegram ID of the slave for notifications

Most of these IDs can be generated with /createslave


All the things the slave can ask permission for are in permissions.json

        "name": {
                "status": {
                        "merit": -1
                "tasks": "taskList"
	"anotherName": {
		tasks: "taskList2"

Given the example above, the slave can ask permission for name and anotherName with /slave permission.
Asking for name will decrease the slave state-variable merit by 1. name will execute taskList tasks is required. status is not.


All the statuses a slave can set are in statuses.json

  "name": {
    "description": "Free Text",
      "forcestate": {
        "aStateVariable": 1
      "ignoreStateAfter": ["name2"]
  "name2": {
    "description": "Free text for name2",
    "forcestate": {
    "timer": {
      "time": 60,
      "tasklist": "timertasks"
  "name3": {
    "description": "Free Text for name 3",
    "tasklist": "taskList"

In the example above there are 3 statuses for the slave to set: name, name2 and name3.

  • When the slave sets their status to name, aStateVariable will be initialised to 1, unless the previous state was name2.
  • When the slave sets their status to name2, test will be initialised to 2.
  • When the slave sets their status to name2, every 60 seconds a task from tasklist timertasks will be chosen
  • When the slave sets their status to name3, /slave status task will execute tasklist taskList

All settings, except description are optional.




slave.json contains the current state and location of the slave. This file is edited by the bot.

  "state": {
    "stateVar1": 1,
    "stateVar2": true,
    "stateVar3": "text"
  "status": "something"

Initialising this file with { "state": { "merit": 0 } } should suffice.


In this folder all tasklists reside.